Register Vacancies – Click Here “no placement, no fee”
Using recruitment agencies charging between 10% and 30% to find candidates has become a thing of the past. There are cheaper and more effective ways to find suitable employees for your business, and The Business Bus Stop is able to offer you a simple solution to your recruitment needs. Recruiting via the web does not need to be expensive.
Visit for full information, or alternatively register your vacancies below.
For a one-off price we will search the main and specialist job boards & CV banks including Totaljobs, Jobsite and CV Library (over 8 million CVs uploaded to date) as well as our own and others, and provide you with a list of screened candidates to choose from, usually between 10 and 20. You can then recruit and select candidates at your leisure.
If you do not find anyone from this list, we search again using alternative criteria. You only pay our £499 fixed fee if we find anyone suitable for your role, otherwise you pay nothing. We will also advertise the vacancy across the internet, including with JobcentrePlus and a host of job boards. Employment agencies will do the same on your behalf and charge you a fee ranging from £3,000 to £6,000 for a salaried employee earning £40,000 per annum.
Our service saves you the money, effort and time dealing with recruitment agencies, paying for advertising, handling considerable calls and enquiries, and gives you the upper hand in the recruitment process. It also saves you the cost of running advertising campaigns that may or may not work. This is risk free – we do not charge you a fee if we are unsuccessful. Guaranteed.
Take back control from expensive employment agencies and catch the Business Bus. The Recruitment Revolution has started..
Price: £499 plus VAT.
Register your Vacancy or Vacancies below. We will be in touch within 1 hour.
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